Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Initial Inspection and Diagnostic Overview

Inspection and Verification

Prior to starting any diagnostics, ensure that the customer handset is on the Jaguar Approved Phone List (as found in the vehicle technology information on the external Jaguar website). If the customer handset is not on the approved phone list it should NOT be used when carrying out these diagnostics, the technician should test using an approved handset only.
1 Verify the customer concern by operating the telephone.
2 Visually inspect for obvious signs of damage and system integrity.

3 If an obvious cause for an observed or reported concern is found, correct the cause (if possible) before proceeding to the next step.
4 If the cause is not visually evident, check for Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) and refer to the DTC Index.

System/Carrier Concerns - All Systems
Dropped calls, bad connections, noisy audio and other intermittent symptoms usually indicate a system or cellular carrier concern, and are not the fault of the phone itself. Such symptoms may occur in situations such as the following:
- In certain geographic areas (for example: areas of excessive foliage or hills) or at the edge of coverage areas
- At the same place each day
- At the same time each day
- Under bridges, tunnels, in lower freeways, or in congested downtown areas
If the customer phone exhibits any of the above symptoms or symptoms occur under the above conditions, the customer or the dealer should contact customer assistance at their particular cellular provider/carrier.