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Crankshaft Position Sensor: Service and Repair

1. Remove distributor cap with wires attached and position aside.
2. Disconnect vacuum advance hose and primary electrical wiring from.
3. Mark position of distributor rotor to distributor housing and distributor housing to engine block.
4. Remove distributor hold down bolt and clamp, then carefully withdraw distributor from engine.
5. If engine has not been disturbed while distributor was removed from engine, Reverse procedure to install and note the following:
a. Lubricate distributor drive gear with SAE 50 engine oil prior to installation.
b. Prior inserting distributor into engine block, position rotor 1/8 turn counterclockwise past mark made on distributor housing.
c. Distributor shaft should be fully engaged with oil pump driveshaft.
d. When distributor is installed in engine block, marks made during removal should be aligned.
e. After completing installation, adjust ignition timing.
6. If engine was disturbed while distributor was removed, proceed as follows:
a. Remove spark plug from No. 1 cylinder.
b. Place finger over spark plug hole for No. 1 cylinder and slowly crank engine until compression is felt.
c. Carefully continue to rotate engine in direction of rotation until timing mark on damper is aligned with TDC mark on timing tab. Do not rotate engine in opposite direction to align timing marks.
d. Lubricate distributor drive gear with SAE 50 engine oil.
e. Rotate distributor shaft until rotor points in direction of No. 1 cylinder in distributor cap, then turn rotor an additional 1/8 turn in the counterclockwise direction.
f. Insert distributor into engine block and ensure rotor is aligned with No. 1 cylinder terminal in distributor cap and distributor shaft is fully engaged with oil pump drive shaft. It may be necessary to rotate oil pump driveshaft with a long flat blade screwdriver to align rotor with No. 1 terminal in distributor cap.
g. After inserting distributor into engine block, align marks on distributor housing and engine block made during removal.
h. Reverse remained of removal procedure to complete installation.
i. After completing installation, adjust ignition timing.