Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Cleaning & Inspection

1. Wash all components in suitable solvent and blow dry with compressed air, noting the following:
a. Do not use brush when cleaning bearings.
b. Do not "spin dry" bearings as they will be damaged.
c. Lightly lubricate components after cleaning to retard corrosion.
d. Keep all components in order to ensure proper assembly.
2. Inspect gears for cracks, chipped or broken teeth, wear and scoring. Replace gears that are damaged or excessively worn. Ring gear and pinion must be replaced as an assembly.
3. Inspect differential case for cracks, damage, distortion, and worn or scored side gear bores and bearing surfaces. Replace case if damaged or scored.
4. Inspect axle housing for scored bearing mount surfaces, cracks and distortion. Ensure that housing is clean and free from foreign material.
5. Inspect bearing rollers and races for pitting, scoring, overheating and damage.
6. Mate each bearing with race and check operation.
7. Replace any bearing assembly that is damaged, excessively worn, or that fails to operate smoothly.
8. Inspect thrust washers and pinion shaft, and replace if damaged or worn.
9. Mount differential case in housing, adjust side bearings for zero preload and check runout using suitable dial indicator.
10. Replace case if ring gear mounting flange runout exceeds 0.002 inch.