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Cruise Control: Service and Repair

The regulator is mounted on a bracket under the instrument panel near the headlamp switch.
1. Remove regulator attaching screws, then insert a suitable tool into hole marked "Terminal Release" and unplug connector from regulator.
2. Reverse procedure to install.

Control Switch
1. Remove horn button insert, steering wheel, anti-theft cover, locking plate and horn contact.
2. Disconnect turn signal lever from steering column and allow to hang loose outside steering column.
3. Remove flasher knob, hold-down screws and turn signal switch.
4. Remove lower steering column cover, if equipped.
5. Disconnect four-wire connector. On tilt column, remove harness from plastic connector and tape two wires back along harness. Tie a string to harness. On standard column tape string to plastic connector.
6. Remove lever and harness assembly from column.
7. Reverse procedure to install. On tilt column, route harness through opening in left side of steering shaft.

1. Remove servo attaching nuts, then the cable housing.
2. Remove servo cable retaining clip, then disconnect vacuum hoses.
3. Disconnect wire harness and pull through dash panel, then remove servo.
4. Reverse procedure to install. Torque servo bracket nut to 60 inch lbs.

Servo Cable
1. Remove clip from pin on bell crank, then the chain.
2. Squeeze cable housing to bracket retaining tabs, then remove cable from bracket.
3. Remove cable housing retaining nuts and cable housing from servo, then spread cable to servo retaining clip and remove cable.
4. Spread tabs on chain end of cable, then remove chain.
5. Reverse procedure to install. Allow seven beads to remain outside cable tab, ensuring beads are free to rotate.

Servo Chain, Replace
1. Disconnect chain from bell crank pin and open tabs retaining servo cable, then remove chain.
2. Attach new chain to servo cable, allowing seven beads to remain outside cable tab, then squeeze tabs together.
3. Connect new chain to bell crank pin.