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Compressor Shaft Seal: Service and Repair


1. Discharge the A/C system.
2. Remove compressor shaft nut and front plate.

Remove Felt Ring:

3. Using a suitable pair of snap ring pliers, insert the ends into the holes in the felt ring metal retainer and lift it out.

Remove Clutch Shims:

4. Remove the shaft shims.

R & R Front Seal Snap Ring:

5. Remove the shaft seal retaining snap ring.

R & R Shaft Seal Seat:

6. Remove the shaft seal seat, using a suitable tool.

Remove Shaft Seal:

7. Remove the shaft seal by lifting it out with a suitable seal puller.


1. Thoroughly clean and dry seal cavity.

Seal Protector Sleeve:

2. Install seal protector over compressor shaft.
3. Lightly coat seal mating surfaces with refrigeration oil.
4. Engage seal installation tool on new seal.

Install Shaft Seal:

5. Install new seal in compressor. Twist tool in opposite direction to disengage tool from seal.

Install Seal Retainer:

6. Lightly coat seal retainer with refrigeration oil. Place seal retainer on top of seal.

R & R Front Seal Snap Ring:

7. Install seal retaining snap ring with beveled side outward and flat side toward the compressor.
8. Install the shaft shims.

Install Felt Ring:

9. Install new felt ring.

R & R Compressor Shaft Nut:

10. Reinstall front plate and shaft nut, torquing shaft nut to 25-30 ft.lbs. (34-40 N-m)

Checking Air Gap:

11. Check the air gap between the front plate and the pulley with a feeler gauge. The gap should be 0.016-0.031 inch.
- If the air gap does not meet specifications, remove the front plate and adjust the shim thickness accordingly.