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Oil Level Check

Refer to "A/C Data Table" for oil level specifications.

Fig. 2 Positioning compressor piston rod for oil level check. Sankyo compressor:

Fig. 3 Compressor oil level check. Sankyo compressor:


1. Isolate compressor as outlined in "Compressor Service Valves."
2. Remove compressor drive belt and rotate compressor so that filler plug faces straight up.
3. Slowly loosen, then remove oil filler plug. A suitable face shield should be worn when removing filler plug.
4. Rotate front clutch plate to position piston connecting rod in center of oil filler opening.
5. Flush dipstick J-29642-12 or equivalent with refrigerant, then insert dipstick through opening to right of piston, until stop bottoms against compressor housing.
6. Remove dipstick and note number of increments covered by oil. When properly filled, oil level should be between 4 and 6 increments.
7. Add suitable refrigeration oil, as needed, to obtain specified level.
8. Install oil filler plug and compressor drive belt, if removed, then purge air from compressor.

Fig. 4 Compressor oil level check. York compressor:


Compressor oil level should be checked whenever system is discharged for service part replacement or after rapid loss of refrigerant.

1. Isolate compressor as outlined previously.
2. Slowly loosen crankcase oil check plug to relieve internal pressures, then after pressure is released, remove plug.
3. Hold dipstick, tool No. J-29642-12 in a vertical position, then insert into check plug opening until dipstick bottoms in compressor. If necessary, slightly rotate crankshaft to clear dipstick path.
4. Remove dipstick and count number of dipstick increments covered with oil.
5. When properly filled, compressor should contain 7-10 increments of oil.
6. Add or remove oil as necessary.