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Air Injection System Diagnosis and Testing


1. Inspect all hoses for deterioration or holes.
2. Inspect all tubes for cracks or holes.
3. Check all tube and hose routing as interference may cause wear.
4. Check all hose and tube connections.
5. If a leak is suspected on the pressure side of the system, or any tubes and/or hoses have been disconnected on the pressure side, the connections should be checked for leaks with a soapy water solution. With the pump running, bubbles will form if a leak exists.
6. To replace any hose or tube, note the routing, then remove the hose(s) or tube(s) as required. The hoses used with this system are made of special material to withstand high temperature. No other type hose should be substituted.


1. Check valves should be inspected whenever the hose is disconnected from the check valve or whenever check valve failure is suspected. An air pump that has shown any indications of having exhaust gases in the pump would indicate check valve failure.
2. Disconnect air supply hose from injection manifold, and listen and feel for exhaust leakage from check valve with engine running above idle. Slight leakage is normal.