Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


1. Place carburetor on suitable repair stand to protect throttle valves from damage and to provide stable working base.
2. Remove retaining clip from accelerator pump arm link and remove link.
3. Remove step-up piston cover plate and gasket from top of air horn.
4. Remove screws and locks from the accelerator pump arm and the vacuum piston rod lifter, slide pump lever out of air horn and lift vacuum piston and step-up rods straight up and out of air horn as an assembly.
5. Remove vacuum hose from between carburetor main body and choke vacuum diaphragm at main body tap.
6. Remove choke diaphragm, linkage, bracket and dashpot assembly, if equipped, and lay aside to be cleaned separately.
7. Remove fast idle cam link retaining clip, then the link from choke shaft lever.
8. Remove fast idle cam retaining screw, then the fast idle cam and linkage.
9. Remove air horn attaching screws, then lift air horn straight up and away from main body. Discard gasket.
10. Invert air horn and compress accelerator pump drive spring, then remove ``S'' link from pump shaft and remove pump assembly.
11. Remove fuel inlet needle valve, seat and gasket from main body.
12. Lift out float fulcrum pin retainer and baffle, then the floats and fulcrum pin.
13. Remove main metering jets.
14. Remove venturi cluster screws, then lift venturi cluster and gaskets up and away from main body. Discard gaskets. Do not remove idle orifice tubes or main vent tubes from cluster. They can be cleaned in a solvent and dried with compressed air.
15. Invert carburetor so that accelerator pump discharge and intake check balls drop out.
16. Remove plastic caps or concealment plugs for idle mixture screws, then remove idle mixture screws from throttle body.
17. Remove throttle body to main body attaching screws and separate bodies.
18. Test freeness of choke mechanism in air horn, ensuring that choke shaft floats freely. If choke shaft sticks or is gummed from deposits in air horn, clean thoroughly.