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Stub Shaft & Spool Valve Disassembly

Fig. 8 Rotary valve components:

1. If used, work spool spring onto bearing diameter of stub shaft and remove spool spring.
2. Tap end of stub shaft gently against workbench to remove valve spool. Because of the slight clearance between valve body and spool, the slightest cocking of spool may jam it in valve body. If slight cocking occurs, make a gentle attempt to reverse removal procedure. If this does not free spool, it has become cocked in valve body bore and may be removed later.
3. Remove and discard valve spool dampener O-ring.
4. Remove stub shaft, torsion bar (small diameter bar extending through stub shaft) and valve cap by tapping end of torsion bar lightly with a plastic hammer. This will dislodge cap from valve body cap pin. Do not disassemble stub shaft as these parts are pinned together and serviced only as an assembly.
5. If valve spool has become cocked as mentioned above, first inspect parts to determine in which direction the spool is cocked. A few very light taps with a plastic hammer should align and free the spool in the bore. Remove and discard O-ring dampener seal from spool.
6. Carefully remove valve body Teflon rings and ring back-up O-ring seals.