Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Group 1 - Body Seams - Spray Zones 1 Through 3

This group deals with body sheet metal interior and exterior seams and joints.

Condition: Water on front floor.

Water Test: Spray zones 1, 2, 3.

NOTE: Remove carpeting and seats for panel seam access if necessary.


Possible Cause Repair Method and Material

1. Loose, missing screws or grommets in 1. Tighten, or replace missing parts. Reposiengine compartment side of dash panel. tion misaligned grommets.

2. Water seeping past foam seal on fresh air 2. Disconnect drain hose. Cover foam seal vent hose. completely with 3M 08578 sealer (Fig. 2)
and reconnect drain hose.

3. ECU wire harness grommet loose or 3. Remove grommet B (Fig. 2). Seal grommet misaligned. to dash panel contact surfaces with Kent
Ind. VTB butyl tape or AMC/Jeep/Renault sealant 899 3317.

FIGURE 3 - Steering Column Toeboard Seal:

Condition: Water on front floor (continued)

Possible Cause Repair Method and Material

4. Steering column toeboard seal A cut, torn, 4. Loosen toeboard bolts and realign seal. misaligned (Fig. 3). Replace seal if cut or torn with seal 319

FIGURE 4 - Dash Panel Seam:

5. Voids, gaps in sealer on cowl to dash panel 5. Seal seam A at both sides of cowl with 3M seam A (Fig. 4). 08646, Kent Ind. CSS 4-10280, or Crest
CJ-N sealer.

FIGURE 6 - Fresh Air/Heater Plenum Seam:

6. Water leaking around parking brake retain- 6. Remove retaining nuts and washers A. ing nuts and washers A, vacuum canister Apply 3M 08578 sealer to dash, washers, screws B, and code plate rivets C (Fig. 5). studs, stud holes in dash, and reinstall nuts
and washers. Remove screws B, apply 3M 08578 sealer to the screw threads and underside of the screw head and reinstall the screws. Seal code plate rivets C with 3M 08578 sealer from inside the vehicle.
7. Water leaking around accelerator pedal. 7. Remove pedal retaining screws and seal threads with 3M 08578 or AMC 899 3317. sealer.

Condition: Water on front floor (continued)

Possible Cause Repair Method and Material

8. Seal plugs for non-power brake master 8. Remove power brake unit and seal bolt cylinder attaching bolt holes not installed holes located behind power unit (Fig. 5)
(these alternate bolt holes are located with 3D 08568 Thumbable Sealer.
behind the power unit).

FIGURE 5 - Water Leakage Locations:

9. Gaps in sealer on fresh air/heater plenum 9. Remove fresh air intake grille and seal seam A (Fig. 6.) seam A with 3M 08578 or 3M 08509 sealer.

10. Water leaking past plenum and fresh air 10. Remove fresh air intake grille and apply intake grille attaching screws B and C (Fig. 3M 08578 or AMC 899 3317 sealer to 6). threads of all screws.

FIGURE 7 - Floorpan Dash Panel Seam:

11. Gaps in sealer on floorpan dash panel 11. Reseal seam with 3M 08646 seam sealer. seam A (Fig. 7).
12. Water leaking past main harness plug. 12. Seal wire connection with silicone dielectric compound AMC 812 6688 seal connector-to-dash panel mating surface with AMC 899 3317 sealer.

13. Voids or gaps in sealer on A/C hose toe 13. Remove cover and seal with 3M 08646 board cover plate. seam sealer.

14. Water leaking around outside step bracket. 14. Remove retaining bolts and seal threads with 3M 08578 or AMC 899 3317 sealer prior to installation.
Condition: Water on floor near roll bar mounting flanges.

Water Test: Spray zones 1, 2, 3

FIGURE 8 - Floorpan Under Roll Bar:

1. Missing hole plugs in floor pan under roll bar 1. Remove roll bar attaching bolts and slide
(Fig. 8). roll bar forward. Install plugs in floorpan
holes A and B and seal seam C with 3M 08646 (Fig. 8). Coat threads of roll bar bolts with AMC 899 3317 sealer and reinstall roll bar.
Condition: Water on floor near wheelhouse and floorpan riser.

Water Test: Spray zones 1, 2, 3


1. Voids, gaps in sealer at wheelhouse to 1. Seal wheelhouse to quarter panel seam A quarter panel seam (interior). with clear silicone sealer 812 5154 (Fig. 9).
Then seal seams of wheelhouse cap B with clear silicone (Fig. 9).


2. Loose floorpan hole plugs (Fig. 10). 2. Replace plugs A if damaged or excessively loose with part 400 4285. Seal plugs A from inside vehicle with clear silicone sealer 81 2 5154 (Fig. 10) (interior).

NOTE: If new plugs are a loose fit, glue the plugs in position with 3M 08101 structural adhesive.

3. Water leaking in through floorpan riser 3. Seal seams B (Fig. 10) with clear silicone seams. sealer 812 5154 (interior).

Figure 11 - Floorpan Seam Sealer:

4. Voids, gaps in floorpan to wheelhouse 4. Seal seam A (Fig. 1 1) with clear silicone seam. sealer 812 5154 (interior).

Figure 12 - Wheelhouse-To-Tail Panel Seam:

5. Voids, gaps in sealer on wheelhouse-to-tail 5. Seal seam A (Fig. 12) with clear silicone panel. sealer 812 5154 (interior).

6. Gaps in tail panel sheet metal seam B (Fig. 6. Seal gaps from underneath vehicle with 3M 12). 08578 sealer.

7. Taillamp harness grommet C loose mis- 7. Reseat or realign grommet and seal with aligned, not seated (Fig. 12). 899 3317 RTV sealer.
8. Water leaking around upper-right swing-a- 8. Remove and seal mounting plate with way tire carrier mounting plate. 3M 08578 thumbable sealer.

FIGURE 13 - Floorpan Riser Seam:

Condition: Water on floor near wheelhouse and floorpan riser (continued)

Possible Cause Repair Method and Material

9. Voids, gaps in sealer on floorpan riser 9. Seal seams, hole plugs as follows:
seams, voids, gaps in sealer on wheel-

house seams (exterior). NOTE: Seal from under side of vehicle.

^ Seal riser seams A (Fig. 13) with 3M 08646 sealer.

^ Seal all floorpan hole plugs B (Fig. 13) with 3M 08646 sealer.

FIGURE 14 - Rear Wheelhouse Seam:

^ Seal seams A on both sides of vehicle with 3M 08646 sealer (Fig. 14).

^ Also seal outboard wheelhouse-to-quarter panel seam - under wheel flair - with 3M 08646.

NOTE: Color coat seams as necessary after sealer has dried.

FIGURE 15 - Transmission Floorpan Cover:

10. Voids, gaps or missing sealer on transmis- 10. Remove cover A (Fig. 15) and apply bead sion floorpan cover. of 3M 08568 sealer to mating surfaces of
cover and floorpan. Then reinstall cover.

NOTE: Reinstall carpeting and seats if removed for sealing operation.