Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Cleaning and Inspection


Thoroughly clean all the components in solvent and dry them with compressed air. Do not dry the front or rear bearing with compressed air. Allow them to air dry or wipe them dry with a clean shop cloth.

Clean the needle thrust and roller bearings by wrapping them in a cloth and submerging the cloth and bearings iri solvent. Or, place them in a shallow parts cleaning tray and cover them with solvent. Allow t*'e bearings to air dry or wipe them with a clean shop cloth.

Inspect the transmission case, cover and adapter housing. Replace any of these components if they have any of the following defects.

^ cracks in the bores, sides, bosses or bolt holes

^ stripped threads in the bolt holes

^ nicks, burrs, or rough surfaces in the shaft bores or on the gasket surfaces

Inspect the geartrain and shift mechanism. Replace any components that have any of the following defects.

^ broken, chipped or worn gear teeth

^ bent or broken inserts

^ weak or broken insert springs

^ damaged roller thrust or needle bearings, or damaged bearing bores in thp countershaft gear or clutch shaft

^ worn or loss of surface metal from the coLkite"- shaft and hub, clutch shaft or reverse Idler gear shaft

^ worn thrust washers

^ nicked, broken or worn output or clutch shaft splines

^ bent, distorted or weak snap rings

^ worn bushing in the reverse idler gear

^ rough, loss of surface metal or broken front/ rear bearing

^ worn shift fork inserts

^ broken, cracked or worn shift forks

^ bent, worn or loss of surface metal from the shift rail

^ worn, bent or broken selector arms, plates or interlock

^ worn, bent, broken or stripped.9ftset lever, or worn lever insert