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Owner Letter

EMISSION RECALL -- Oxygen Sensor

Dear Chrysler Corporation Vehicle Owner:

It has been determined that the oxygen sensor on certain 1989 Jeep(R) Cherokee, Comanche and Wrangler models equipped with a 2.5L engine may be susceptible to failure. Failure of the oxygen sensor may cause your vehicle to be in violation of Federal Emissions Standards. For this reason, we are asking you to return your vehicle, identified by the Vehicle Identification Number on the form, to your dealer for a special service repair. The service and required parts as described in this letter will be provided free of charge.

The needed instructions have been sent to all Jeep & Eagle dealers. The service will not hurt your engine performance or fuel economy. To obtain this service:

^ Contact your dealer to make a service appointment

^ Take the enclosed Owner Notification Form with you at the time of your appointment and give it to your dealer. The form identifies the vehicle and the service that is required.

^ The dealer will replace the oxygen sensor. The service will take about one-half hour to complete. However, additional time may be required depending on how dealer appointments are scheduled and processed.

In order to ensure your full protection under the emission warranty made applicable to your vehicle under Federal law, and your right to participate in future recalls, it is recommended that you have your vehicle serviced as soon as possible. Failure to do so could legally be determined to be a lack of proper maintenance of your vehicle. Further, without this repair, your vehicle may fail a state or local emission inspection test.

If you have any problem obtaining the service, please call the Chrysler Customer Center, toll free, at 1-800-853-1403. A representative will assist you in getting your vehicle repaired. If you are still unable to obtain the repair as described in this letter within a reasonable time, you may also contact the Manufacturers Operations Division of the Environmental Protection Agency (6405J), 401 M Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20460.

We regret any inconvenience which this action may cause you, but trust that you understand our interest in clean air and your continuing satisfaction with our product. Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter.