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Pressure Bleeding (Preferred Procedure)

1. Install pressure bleeding tank part No. 3495-B, or equivalent, to master cylinder, then install metering valve hands off tool No. C-4121, or equivalent, to valve stem of metering valve.
2. On models equipped with RWAL, proceed as follows:
a. Connect one end of a suitable hose to bleeder valve on RWAL hydraulic valve and submerge other end in a glass container partially filled with clean brake fluid.
b. Open bleeder valve on RWAL hydraulic valve, and keep open until clear bubble free fluid flows from hose.
3. On all models, bleed one wheel at a time in order as follows:
a. Right rear wheel.
b. Left rear wheel.
c. Right front wheel.
d. Left front wheel.
4. Keep bleeder screws open until clear bubble free fluid flows from hose.
5. Repeat bleeding procedure if system indicator light stays On or if pedal feels spongy.