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Parking Brake System: Adjustments

Service brakes must be properly adjusted before adjusting parking brake mechanism.

1. Fully apply and release parking brake lever approximately five times.
2. Pull parking brake lever up to 5th click, then raise and support vehicle.
3. Loosen equalizer locknut, then install parking brake adjustment gauge tool No. J-34651, or equivalent, onto an inch pound torque wrench.
4. Position adjustment gauge on one rear cable.
5. Apply and hold torque of 45-50 inch lbs. on adjustment gauge. Note position of gauge pointer.
6. If adjustment gauge pointer is not in OK band, turn equalizer locknut in or out until pointer is within OK band.
7. Remove tools and lower vehicle.
8. Apply and release parking brakes four or five times, then check adjustment again. Readjust cable if drag is noted.