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Refrigerant Precautions

Observe These Precautions:

- Do not overcharge the refrigerant system. This will cause excessive compressor head pressure and can cause noise and system failure.

- Recover the refrigerant before opening any fitting or connection. Open the fittings with caution, even after the system has been discharged. Never open or loosen a connection before recovering the refrigerant.

- The refrigerant system must always be evacuated before charging.

- Do not open the refrigerant system or uncap a replacement component until you are ready to service the system. This will prevent contamination in the system.

- Before disconnecting a component, clean the outside of the fittings thoroughly to prevent contamination from entering the refrigerant system.

- Immediately after disconnecting a component from the refrigerant system, seal the open fittings with a cap or plug.

- Before connecting an open refrigerant fitting, always install a new seal or gasket. Coat the fitting and seal with clean refrigerant oil before connecting.

- Do not remove the sealing caps from a replacement component until it is to be installed.

- When installing a refrigerant line, avoid sharp bends that may restrict refrigerant flow. Position the refrigerant lines away from exhaust system components or any sharp edges, which may damage the line.

- Tighten refrigerant fittings only to the specified torque. The aluminum fittings used in the refrigerant system will not tolerate overtightening.

- When disconnecting a refrigerant fitting, use a wrench on both halves of the fitting. This will prevent twisting of the refrigerant lines or tubes.

- Refrigerant oil will absorb moisture from the atmosphere if left uncapped. Do not open a container of refrigerant oil until you are ready to use it. Replace the cap on the oil container immediately after using. Store refrigerant oil only in a clean, airtight, and moisture-free container.

- Keep service tools and the work area clean. Contamination of the refrigerant system through careless work habits must be avoided.