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Fault Code Diagnostics

The codes are two digit numbers that identify which circuit is malfunctioning. There are two different kinds of fault codes:

1. Current Fault Codes are divided into two categories; input faults and system faults. Current faults means they are present right now.

2. Historical Fault Codes refer to historical faults (faults that are stored in memory). Historical faults are an indication that a circuit failed previously, but is OK right now. A majority of historical fault codes are caused by wiring or connector problems.

CAUTION: A battery disconnect will erase all faults stored in Read Available Memory (RAM). It is recommended that all faults be recorded before they are erased.

While OO is displayed, push either A/C or RECIRC button. The stickman will appear indicating you have entered the fault section. The numbers displayed will range from OO-64.

Fault codes will appear and repeat if there are more than one. Record the fault codes and refer to the Current and Historical Fault Code Charts. If there are no fault codes, the display remains at 00.

If Fault Code 25 or 29 is displayed, the ATC Control Module must be replaced before any further testing is performed.