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Recall - Power Memory Seat Wiring: Overview

No.: 718

March, 1997

To: All Jeep(R) & Eagle Dealers

Safety Recall # 718 -- Power Memory Seat Wiring

1996 Model Year Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited and Orvis (ZJ) Vehicles Equipped With A Power Memory Seat Built Through April 30, 1996 (MDH 043008)

The power memory seat module wiring harness on the above listed vehicles, may come in contact with the driver's seat cushion flex mat under certain conditions. This may cause a short circuit in the module wiring harness and possibly cause a fire. To correct this condition, the power memory seat module must be repositioned and a protective cover must be installed on the flex mat frame.

Some of the involved vehicles may be in dealer new vehicle inventory. Federal law requires you to complete this recall service on these vehicles before retail delivery. Dealers should also consider this requirement to apply to used vehicle inventory, and should perform this recall on vehicles in for service as determined by using DIAL System Function 70.

Details of this service action are explained in the following sections.

Service Procedure Videotape

No videotape of the service procedure for this recall will be provided.

Dealer Notification & Vehicle List

Involved dealers:
Each dealer to whom involved vehicles were invoiced (or the current dealer at the same street address) will receive a copy of this dealer recall notification letter and a list of the involved vehicles by first class mail.

The Vehicle List is arranged in Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) sequence. Owners known to Chrysler are also listed. The lists are for dealer reference in arranging for service of involved vehicles.

All other dealers:
Each Jeep & Eagle dealer who does not receive a Vehicle List will receive a copy of this dealer recall notification letter by first class mail.

DIAL System Functions 53, 70 and VIP

All involved vehicles will be entered to DIAL System Functions 53, 70 and VIP at the time of recall implementation for dealer inquiry as needed.


A quantity of parts will be distributed initially and billed to all involved dealers. This quantity will cover a portion of the total vehicles involved. Additional parts may be ordered as needed to support customer demand.

Each involved dealer, to whom vehicles in the recall were invoiced (or the current dealer at the same street address), will receive enough Module Bracket Packages, Recall PN CAL17180, to service about 25% of those vehicles.

Each parts package contains the following components:

Quantity Description

1 Bracket, Memory Seat Module
2 J-Strip (4" and 5.5")
6 Hog Rings
1 Instruction Sheet

Owner Notification and Service Scheduling

All involved vehicle owners known to Chrysler are being notified of the service requirement by first class mail. They are requested to schedule appointments for the service with their dealers. A copy of the owner notification letter is included.

Enclosed with each owner notification is an Owner Notification Form. The involved vehicle and recall are identified on the form for owner or dealer reference as needed.