Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Lock Cylinder Housing


The ignition key must be in the key cylinder for cylinder removal. The key cylinder must be removed first before removing ignition switch.
1. Disconnect negative battery cable at battery.
2. If equipped with an automatic transmission, place shifter in PARK position.
3. Rotate key to ON position.

4. A release tang is located on bottom of key cylinder.

5. Position a small screwdriver or pin punch into tang access hole on bottom of steering column lower cover.
6. Push the pin punch up while pulling key cylinder from steering column.

The ignition key must be in the key cylinder for cylinder removal. The key cylinder must be removed first before removing ignition switch.
1. If equipped with an automatic transmission, place shifter in PARK position.
2. Position key cylinder into steering column as it would normally be in the ON position.
3. Press key cylinder into column until it snaps into position.
4. Check mechanical operation of switch. Automatic Transmission: Be sure transmission lever is locked in PARK position after key removal. If key is difficult to rotate or is difficult to remove, the shift lever-to-steering column cable may be out of adjustment or defective. Manual Transmission: Be sure key cannot be removed until release lever is operated. If key can be removed, release lever mechanism may be defective. Release lever mechanism is not serviced separately. If repair is necessary, the steering column must be replaced.
5. Connect negative cable to battery.
6. Check electrical operation of switch.