Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Maintenance Schedules Defined

There are two maintenance schedules that show the required service for your vehicle.

First is Severe Service. It is for vehicles that are operated under the conditions that are listed below.

- Day or night temperatures are below 0°C (32°F).

- Stop and go driving.

- Extensive engine idling.

- Driving in dusty conditions.

- Short trips of less than 16 km (10 miles).

- More than 50% of your driving is at sustained high speeds during hot weather, above 32°C (90°F).

- Trailer towing.

- Taxi, police, or delivery service (commercial service).

- Off-road or desert operation.

- If equipped for operating with E-85 (ethanol) fuel.

Note: Most vehicles are operated under the conditions listed for Severe Service Schedule.

Second is Routine Service. It is for vehicles that are not operated under any of the conditions listed under Severe Service Schedule.

Use the schedule that best describes your driving conditions. Where time and mileage are listed, follow the interval that occurs first.

CAUTION: Failure to perform the required maintenance items may result in damage to the vehicle.