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Tire Pressure Monitor Reset Procedure

Retrain Tire Sensors (Available with TPM System Only)

When this feature is selected, the TPM system will start the refraining procedure (Refer to Training Procedure below). Pressing the STEP button when in this display will select Yes or No. Then, press the MENU button to enter selection.

Warning: Death or serious injury can occur if magnetically sensitive devices are exposed to this magnet. Magnets can affect pacemakers.

NOTE: The tire pressure sensors must be retrained after rotating the tires or replacing one or more sensors. If a wheel rotation is not followed by the retrain procedure, the system will not properly inform you of the correct vehicle location for a low or high pressure tire.

The following describes how to use this feature:

1. Locate the training magnet under the spare tire (shaped like a doughnut).

2. Press the MENU button until RETRAIN TIRE SENSORS is displayed.

3. Press the STEP button to select YES to retrain TPM sensor.

4. Press the MENU button to enter selection.

5. Display will read TRAIN LEFT FRONT TIRE.

NOTE: There is a 60 second timer for training the first tire and a 30 second timer between training the remaining tires. If either of these timers expire, the EVIC will abort the training procedure.

6. Starting at the left front tire, place the training magnet over the valve stem until the horn chirps (This takes approximately 5 seconds).

7. Repeat step 6 working clockwise around the vehicle (Left Front, Right Front, Right Rear, Left Rear, Spare) until all five TPM sensor positions are trained.

NOTE: The spare tire is only trained with the 5 Tire TPM System.

8. Return magnet to storage location.

If the display reads TRAINING COMPLETE, pressing either the STEP C/T, RESET, or MENU buttons will exit the training mode.

If the display reads TRAINING ABORTED, move the vehicle ahead at least 1 foot and complete steps 1-8 again.