Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Removal and Installation

1. Raise and support vehicle.
2. Remove fill hole plug from the differential housing cover.
3. Remove differential housing cover and drain fluid.
4. Clean the housing cavity with flushing oil, light engine oil or lint free cloth.

NOTE: Do not use water, steam, kerosene or gasoline for cleaning.

5. Remove axle shafts.

6. Note the reference letters stamped on the bearing caps and housing machined sealing surface (Fig. 44).
7. Loosen the differential bearing cap bolts.

8. Position Spreader W-129-B with Adapter Kit 6987B on differential locating holes (Fig. 45). Install holddown clamps and tighten the turnbuckle finger-tight.

9. Install a Pilot Stud C-3288-B at the left side of the differential housing. Attach Dial Indicator C-3339 to pilot stud. Load the indicator plunger against the opposite side of the housing (Fig. 46) and zero the indicator.

CAUTION: Never spread the housing over 0.38 mm (0.015 in.). If housing is over-spread, it could distorted and damaged the housing.

10. Spread housing enough to remove the differential case from the housing. Measure the distance with the dial indicator (Fig. 47).
11. Remove the dial indicator.
12. While holding the differential case in position, remove the differential bearing cap bolts and caps.

13. Remove differential from the housing and tag differential bearing cups to indicate location (Fig. 48).
14. Remove spreader from housing.
2. Remove pinion shaft.

3. Rotate differential side gears and remove differential pinions and thrust washers (Fig. 50).
4. Remove differential side gears and thrust washers.


NOTE: If replacement differential bearings or differential case are being installed, differential side bearing shim requirements may change. Refer Adjustments (Differential Bearing Preload and Gear Backlash) to determine the proper shim selection.

1. Position Spreader W-129-B with Adapter set 6987 on differential housing locating holes. Install the holddown clamps and tighten the tool turnbuckle finger-tight.
2. Install a Pilot Stud C-3288-B at the left side of the differential housing. Attach Dial Indicator C-3339 to pilot stud. Load the indicator plunger against the opposite side of the housing and zero the indicator.

CAUTION: Never spread the housing over 0.38 mm (0.015 in.). If housing is over-spread, it could be distorted or damaged.
3. Spread housing enough to install the case in the housing.
4. Remove the dial indicator.

5. Install differential case in housing (Fig. 51). Verify differential bearing cups remain in position on the bearings and preload shims are between the face of the bearing cup and the housing. Tap the differential case to ensure bearings cups and shims are seated in the housing.

CAUTION: On a Vari-Lok differential the oil feed tube must be pointed at the bottom of the housing (Fig. 52). If differential is installed with the oil feed tube pointed at the top, the anti-rotation tabs will be damaged.

6. Install bearing caps in their original locations (Fig. 53).
7. Loosely install differential bearing cap bolts.
8. Remove axle housing spreader.
9. Tighten bearing cap bolts in a criss-cross pattern to 77 Nm (57 ft. lbs.).
10. Install the axle shafts.

11. Apply a 6.35 mm (1/4 in.) bead of red Mopar Silicone Rubber Sealant or equivalent to the housing cover (Fig. 54).

CAUTION: If cover is not installed within 3 to 5 minutes, the cover must be cleaned and new RTV applied or adhesion quality will be compromised.

12. Install cover and tighten bolts in a criss-cross pattern to 41 Nm (30 ft. lbs.).
13. Refill the differential with Mopar Hypoid Gear Lubricant or equivalent to bottom of the fill plug hole.
14. Install fill hole plug.
15. Remove support and lower the vehicle.