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Vacuum Control Testing

Vacuum control is used to operate the mode doors in the standard equipment manual temperature control system HVAC housing. Testing of the A/C Heater mode control switch operation will determine if the vacuum and electrical controls are functioning. However, it is possible that a vacuum control system that operates perfectly at engine idle (high engine vacuum) may not function properly at high engine speeds or loads (low engine vacuum). This can be caused by leaks in the vacuum system, or a faulty vacuum check valve.

A vacuum system test will help to identify the source of poor vacuum system performance or vacuum system leaks. Before starting this test, stop the engine and make certain that the problem is n't a disconnected vacuum supply tube at the engine intake manifold vacuum tap or the vacuum reservoir.

Fig.1 Adjust Vacuum Test Bleed Valve - Typical:

Use an adjustable vacuum test set (Special Tool C-3707-B) and a suitable vacuum pump to test the HVAC vacuum control system. With a finger placed over the end of the vacuum test hose probe, adjust the bleed valve on the test set gauge to obtain a vacuum of exactly 27 kPa (8 in. Hg.). Release and block the end of the probe several times to verify that the vacuum reading returns to the exact 27 kPa (8 in. Hg.) setting. Otherwise, a false reading will be obtained during testing.

Vacuum Check Valves
1. Remove the vacuum check valve to be tested. The valves are located in the (black) vacuum supply tubes at either the engine intake manifold vacuum tap, or on the bottom of the HVAC unit behind the passenger front floor duct.
2. Connect the test set vacuum supply hose to the A/C Heater control side of the valve. When connected to this side of the check valve, no vacuum should pass and the test set gauge should return to the 27 kPa (8 in. Hg.) setting. If OK, go to Step 3. If not OK, replace the faulty valve.
3. Connect the test set vacuum supply hose to the engine vacuum side of the valve. When connected to this side of the check valve, vacuum should flow through the valve without restriction. If not OK, replace the faulty valve.

A/C Heater Control
1. Connect the test set vacuum probe to the HVAC vacuum supply (black) tube in the engine compartment. Position the test set gauge so that it can be viewed from the passenger compartment.
2. Place the A/C Heater mode control switch knob in each mode position, one position at a time, and pause after each selection. The test set gauge should return to the 27 kPa (8 in. Hg.) setting shortly after each selection is made. If not OK, a component or vacuum line in the vacuum circuit of the selected mode has a leak. See the procedure in Locating Vacuum Leaks.

CAUTION: Do not use lubricant on the switch ports or in the holes in the plug, as lubricant will ruin the vacuum valve in the switch. A drop of clean water in the connector plug holes will help the connector slide onto the switch ports.