Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Cylinder Block Assembly: Service and Repair

Thoroughly clean the oil pan and engine block gasket surfaces.
Use compressed air to clean out:

- The galley at the oil filter adaptor hole, the filter bypass hole (Fig. 23).

- The front and rear oil galley holes (Fig. 24) (Fig.25).
- The feed holes for the crankshaft main bearings.
Once the block has been completely cleaned, apply MOPAR Thread Sealant with Teflon to the threads of the front and rear oil galley plugs. Tighten the plugs to 41 Nm (30 ft. lbs.) torque.

Inspect the cylinder bores for signs of scarring, pitting or cracks. If the cylinder bores are scored or pitted the cylinder bores will require boreing or honing to clean them up. If the cylinder bore(s) are cracked the cylinder block must be replaced.
Inspect the cylinder block to cylinder head mating surface for flatness and/or pitting.