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Vehicle Speed Sensor: Testing and Inspection

Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit

1. Using suitable lifting equipment, raise the vehicle enough to get all four wheels off the ground.
2. Locate connector C211.
3. Using a multimeter set to measure for voltage, back probe the blue/green wire at terminal 9 with the positive probe and ground the negative probe.
4. Have a helper turn the ignition switch to "ON" and then turn one of the drive wheels to rotate the speed sensor.

Voltage should change back and forth between approximately 0 and 5 volts as the speed sensor rotates.

5. If the voltage is not as specified, check the power supply circuit to the vehicle speed sensor. Using a multimeter set to measure for voltage, locate the speed sensor connector and back probe the green/ red wire at terminal 3 with the positive probe and ground the negative probe.

Voltage should be approximately 12 volts.

6. If the specification is not met, repair the power supply circuit. If the specification is met, check the vehicle speed sensor.

Vehicle Speed Sensor
1. Using suitable lifting equipment, raise the vehicle enough to get all four wheels off the ground.
2. Using a multimeter set to measure for voltage and a jumper from the battery positive terminal routed to the inside of the vehicle and connected to the positive probe, locate the speed sensor connector and back probe the blue/black wire at terminal 1 with the negative probe.
3. Have a helper turn the ignition switch to "ON" and then turn one of the drive wheels to rotate the speed sensor.

Voltage should change back and fourth between approximately 0 and 12 volts as the speed sensor rotates.

4. If the specification is not met, replace the vehicle speed sensor.