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Steering/Suspension - Power Steering Oil Pump Noise

Model All Model

Group Steering System(61)

Number KT2008092301

Date Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Area N.America

Subject Power Steering Oil Pump Whine Noise - All models

- Description

Power Steering Oil Pump Whine Noise - All Models

When replacing a power steering oil pump or inspecting a vehicle for a customer concern with power steering whine noise, inspect the filter screen in the power steering reservoir for contamination. If the filter screen has debris the fluid will be restricted from supplying the power steering pump[ and may cause the fluid to aerate and cause a whine noise.

If debris or dirt is found in the reservoir filter screen, the reservoir should be replaced.

Tech TIP: It may be necessary to empty the power steering reservoir to properly inspect the filter screen for contamination.

^ PSF-III is not available through Kia Chemicals: Use a high quality power steering fluid like Valvoline(R) or equivalent, DO NOT use ATF in place of power steering fluid.

^ Some models use PSF-4 which is available through PDC.

Always use the correct recommended fluids as required!