Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Precautions For A Catalytic Converter

WARNING: If large amounts of unburned gasoline vapors flow into the converter, the gasoline line may overheat and create a fire hazard. To prevent this, observe the following precautions and explain them to your customer.

1. Use only unleaded gasoline.
2. Avoid prolonged idling.
Avoid running the engine at fast idle speed for more than 10 minutes and at idle speed for more than 20 minutes.
3. Avoid spark jump test.
Spark jump only when absolutely necessary. Perform this test as rapidly as possible and, while testing, never race the engine.
4. Avoid prolonged engine compression measurement. Engine compression tests must be made as rapidly as possible.
5. Do not run engine when fuel tank is nearly empty This may cause the engine to misfire and create an extra load on the converter.
6. Avoid coasting with ignition turned off and prolonged braking.
7. Do nor dispose of used catalyst along with parts contaminated with gasoline or oil.