Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Removal and Installation




1. Remove the drain plug and drain the automatic transaxle fluid.
2. Remove the air cleaner assembly.

3. Remove the control cable.
4. Disconnect the vehicle speed sensor connector.
5. Disconnect the transaxle range switch connector, solenoid connector and oil temperature sensor connector.

6. Remove the oil cooler hose.
7. Attach the special tool, engine support fixture to the engine.
8. Remove the stabilizer bar, tie rod end, lower arm ball joint, drive shaft.
9. Remove the gear box u-joint bolt and the return tube mounting bolts.

10. Remove the subframe mounting bolts and the subframe.
11. Remove the starter motor.

12. Remove the automatic transaxle mounting bolts.
13. Remove the engine to automatic transaxle bolts.
14. Remove the automatic transaxle assembly by jack.

1. Engine and transmission mounting insulators should be installed by the specified torque.
2. Mounting bracket installation procedures.
1) Engine mounting bracket.
2) T/M mounting bracket.
3) Rear roll stopper mounting bracket.
4) Front roll stopper mounting bracket.
3. Especially, when installing front roll stopper mounting bracket, be careful not to be crushed the insulator, If being crushed, idle vibration is high.


1. Attach the torque converter on the transaxle side and mount the transaxle assembly onto the engine.

CAUTION: If the torque converter is mounted first on the engine, the oil seal on the transaxle side may be damaged. Therefore, be sure to first assemble the torque converter to the transaxle.

2. Install the transaxle control cable and adjust as follows.
1) Move the shift lever and the transaxle range switch to the "N" position, and install the control scale.
2) When connecting the control cable to the transaxle mounting bracket, install the clip until it contacts the control cable.
3) Remove any free-play in the control cable by adjusting nut and then check to see that the selector lever moves smoothly.
4) Check to see that the control cable has been adjusted correctly.
3. Installation is the reverse of removal.