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Engine/A/T - Flushing Systems Not Recommended

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Group General Information(10)

Number KT2008082501

Date Monday, August 25, 2008

Area N.America

Flush System Information

- Description

Vehicles produced by Kia Motors Corporation do not require the Engine, Transmission, "Power Steering and Cooling System to be power flushed. Kia vehicles are designed to give thousands of miles of trouble free service if all recommended maintenance intervals are followed by the customer with a simple drain and refill. The use of fluid flush exchangers is not required nor recommended by Kia.

Listed are a few disadvantages of power flush machines:

^ Flush systems add unnecessary maintenance expense not required by the manufacture to maintain the warranty.

^ Flush systems can contaminate the lubrication system

^ Cross contamination is not covered by warranty

^ Flush systems can leave behind solvents and residue which can degrade the new replaced lubricant, also can degrade the seals and gaskets

^ Flush systems have not proved longer durability results

^ Kia vehicles require special lubricants, unless each machine is truly dedicated to each specific lubricant they should not be used for regular service intervals.

* Kia does recommend flushing the oil cooler during A/T replacement, refer to the appropriate Transmission TSB.