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Wheels/Tires - Tire Pressure Effects IQS Scores

Model All Model

Group Suspension System(21)

Number KT2008091101

Date Thursday, September 11, 2008

Area N.America

Subject Tire Pressure Effects IQS

- Description

Tire Pressure Effects IQS

Incorrect tire pressure may influences IQS scores and cause customer dissatisfaction and complains, sometime right after vehicle delivery. Setting correct tire pressure is always critical, but especially ay time of delivery.

For shipping purposes, tire pressures are set higher then specifications at the factory. To prevent complaints about harsh ride, vibrations, etc. pressure must be adjusted to specifications, as shown on label in door jamb during the PDI process and (If time elapsed) check again at time of delivery.

all of this will be even more relevant now that Kia models are being equipped with TPMS systems. With TPMS, pressure that is too low will not only cause increased fuel consumption but may also result in a customer coming back with the warning light on!

Always check/set correct tire pressure at PDI, immediately before delivery and during regular maintenance. Also, make sure that all gauges used are accurate to within one psi. Check your local tire supplier for access to, or assistence with calibration of your gauges/equipment.

Refer to TSB General 019 for additional information about tire pressure on TMPS equipped vehicles.