Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Ball and Roller Bearings

CAUTION: Never refit a ball or roller bearing without first ensuring that it is in a fully serviceable condition.

1. Remove all traces of lubricant from bearing under inspection by washing in a suitable degreaser; maintain absolute cleanliness throughout operations.
2. Inspect visually for markings of any form on rolling elements, raceways, outer surface of outer rings or inner surface of inner rings. Reject any bearings found to be marked, since any marking in these areas indicates onset of wear.
3. Holding inner race between finger and thumb of one hand, spin outer race and check that it revolves absolutely smoothly. Repeat, holding outer race and spinning inner race.
4. Rotate outer ring gently with a reciprocating motion, while holding inner ring; feel for any check or obstruction to rotation, and reject bearing if action is not perfectly smooth.
5. Lubricate bearing generously with lubricant appropriate to installation.
6. Inspect shaft and bearing housing for discoloration or other marking suggesting that movement has taken place between bearing and seatings. (This is particularly to be expected if delated markings were found in operation 2).
7. Ensure that shaft and housing are clean and free from burrs before fitting bearing.
8. If one bearing assembly of a pair shows an imperfection it is generally advisable to replace both with new bearings; an exception could be made if the faulty bearing had covered a low mileage, and it could be established that damage was confined to it only.
9. When fitting bearing to shaft, apply force only to inner ring of bearing, and only to outer ring when fitting into housing.
10. In the case of grease lubricated bearings (e.g. hub bearings) fill space between bearing and outer seal with recommended grade of grease before fitting seal.
11. Always mark components of separable bearings (e.g. taper roller bearings) in dismantling, to ensure correct reassembly. Never fit new rollers in a used outer ring, always fit a complete new bearing assembly.