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Engine Cranking

Cranking speed is critical. The major elements determining cranking speed are: oil viscosity, battery condition, starter strength, and wiring.

Oil - Change the oil filter and the oil to a 5W40 or 5W30 grade oil. This is the most important element influencing the engine's ability to crank at an acceptable speed. 5W40 oil is required for temperatures below 32°F (0°C) and is recommended all year. A lighter weight oil dramatically increases the engine cranking speed and improves lubrication at low temperatures.

Starter - Change the starter and the 3 battery leads. A new 1.7 kW starter should be installed in any vehicle that will need to be started at temperatures below -10°F. New cables will have to be installed in order to obtain the full benefit of the starter change. The performance of the entire system can be compromised if the various connections are loose or corroded. It is important that all connections be tight and corrosion-free. Apply anti-corrosion wax to connections after they are cleaned and tightened.