Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Front Suspension

Front Wheel Bearing and Wheel Hub - Vehicles Built Up To: 01/1999

Service Repair No - 60.25.14


1. Loosen road wheel nuts, raise front of vehicle and lower onto axle stands. Remove road wheel.
2. Release brake hose clips and remove brake caliper and brake disc shield bolts. Secure caliper to one side.
3. Lever off dust cap.
4. Remove circlip and driveshaft shim from driveshaft.
5. Remove 5 bolts and withdraw drive member and joint washer. Discard joint washer.
6. Bend back lock washer tabs.
7. Remove locknut and lock washer.
8. Remove hub adjusting nut.
9. Remove spacing washer.
10. Remove hub and brake disc assembly complete with bearings.
11. Remove outer bearing.
12. Mark, for reassembly, relationship between hub and brake disc, if original hub is to be reinstalled.
13. Remove 5 bolts and separate hub from brake disc.
14. Drift out grease seal and inner bearing from hub and discard seal.

15. Drift out inner and outer bearing tracks.
16. Clean hub and drift in inner and outer bearing tracks.
17. Pack hub inner bearing with recommended grease and install to hub.

1. With lip side leading install new seal to hub using special tool LRT-54-003 seal replacer and drift LRT-99-003. Drive in seal flush with rear face of hub. Apply grease between seal lips.
2. Install brake disc to hub, lining up to marks made during dismantling. Apply sealant, Part No. STC 50552 to threads of retaining bolts and install retaining bolts. Tighten to 73 Nm (55 ft. lbs.).
3. Grease and install outer bearing to hub.
4. Install hub assembly.

5. Clean stub axle and drive shaft and install hub assembly to axle.
6. Install spacing washer.
7. Install hub adjusting nut. Tighten to 50 Nm (37 ft. lbs.). Ensure hub is free to rotate with no bearing play.
8. Back off adjusting nut 90° and tighten to 10 Nm (84 inch lbs.) This will give the required hub end float of 0.010 mm, 0.0004 inch).
9. Install a new lock washer.
10. Install locknut. Tighten to 50 Nm (37 ft. lbs.).
11. Tab over lock washer to secure adjusting nut and locknut.
12. Install a new joint washer to driving member and install member to hub. Tighten bolts to 65 Nm (48 ft. lbs.).
13. Install original drive shaft shim and secure with a circlip.

14. To check drive shaft end play, mount a dial gauge using bracket LRT-99-503 and rest pin in a loaded condition on end of drive shaft.
15. Install a suitable bolt to threaded end of drive shaft. Move drive shaft in and out noting dial gauge reading. End play should be between 0.08 to 0.25 mm (0.003 to 0.010 inch).
16. If end play requires adjustment, remove circlip, measure shim thickness and install an appropriate shim to give required end-play.
17. Remove bolt from drive shaft, install circlip and dust cap.
18. Install brake disc shield and brake caliper. Tighten fixings to 82 Nm (60 ft. lbs.).
19. Bleed brake system.
20. Install road wheel, remove axle stands and tighten road wheel nuts to 130 Nm (95 ft. lbs.).
21. Operate footbrake to locate brake pads.