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M/T Mainshaft - Spline Wear Prevention



Mainshaft Spline Wear Prevention

Discovery - with R380 Manual Gearboxes
Defender 90

LJ 081991 to 172377
LJ 500000 to 504330
LD 939976 to 972378


To prevent occurrence of mainshaft spline wear, an oil feed disc has been introduced into the LT230 transfer gearbox which can be retro-fitted to earlier vehicles providing a customer complaint of transmission backlash/clunk is not evident This disc is a preventative measure only and will not cure existing spline wear induced "clunk" without other component changes. All transfer boxes from the above VIN numbers LJ 72378, LJ 504330 and LD 972378 that are fitted with a feed disc at the factory are identified with a yellow "X" painted on the power take off cover so external confirmation of repair is visible, dealers should also apply this paint identification to identify completion of repair and to prevent this work being carried out again.

Vehicles fitted with a LT77S manual gearbox CANNOT utilize this fix. Transfer boxes from suffix "F" will be fitted with a production solution which entails additional oilways in the transfer box input gear (detailed in Bulletin 37/02/96/US). Vehicles fitted with suffix "F" gearboxes cannot be fitted with the oil feed disc.


At the earliest opportunity fit the parts listed below to all R380 vehicles, providing no customer complaint of backlash/driveline clunk is evident.


FTC4993 - Oil feed disc (Qty. 1)
FTC4994 - "0" ring (Qty. 1)
STC611K - Hylosil sealant (Qty. 1)

This fix cannot be fitted to LT77 or LT77S manual gearboxes.


See Workshop Manual for removal of the P.T.O. cover and bearing plate.

1. If during fitting of the oil feed disc, advanced spline wear is noted, both the gearbox mainshaft and the transfer box input gear should be replaced (if the replacement transfer gear has oil holes into the spline, an oil feed disc will not be required, see Bulletin 37/02/96/US).

2. Assemble "0" ring onto disc and locate disc into bearing housing ensuring cut outs are aligned and disc ID "TOP" is at the top of the disc.

3. Rebuild referring to Workshop Manual, cleaning off all traces of old sealant.

4. Paint a yellow "X" on the power take off cover.

Do not rebuild with grease - if spline lubrication is required, use only transfer box oil.

For guidance on repairs to resolve customer complaints of transmission backlash refer to Technical Bulletin 37/02/96/US.


Normal warranty policy and procedures apply




H415 - Fit oil feed disc 0.90 hr.

If any additional mainshaft wear is noted replace parts and claim through normal procedures.