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Security System Antenna - Reduced Range



Security System Antenna Adjustment/Repair

Ranger Rover Classic

LH 647645 onwards
LJ 081991 onwards


Customer complaint of reduced security system transmitter range may be addressed by two issues:

1) Transmission performance will be severely hindered by a disconnected or damaged aerial (antenna).

2) Transmitter performance can be enhanced by relocating the security system aerial.


Upon customer complaint of reduced alarm transmitter range follow the procedure below.


Wire Ties (Qty. 4) - Source locally

AMR 2034 - Aerial (Qty. 1)


1) During manufacturing the aerial for the security system may be disconnected or damaged when the finishing trim panel is installed.

1. Lower glove box and inspect antenna, if it is observed to be disconnected or damaged then reconnect the aerial or renew the aerial accordingly. In the case of aerial renew follow the re-routing procedure below after connecting aerial to ECU.

2) In the case of a poor activation range (i.e. less than 9 ft.) follow the procedure below.

1. Lower glove box on its hinges to expose vehicle electronics, HVAC mechanics, and security system components.

2. Locate the security system antenna coaxial cable along the right hand side of compartment leading up to the A post.

3. CAREFULLY pull the antenna out from the A post routing.

4. Route aerial behind the AC box supports and anchor aerial to both box supports with wire ties.

5. Continue to route aerial up towards the HVAC mechanics and anchor to a stable wire with two wire ties.

6. Make sure that the aerial is not interfering with the HVAC mechanics during heating/cooling switch usage.

Test this by turning the heating/cooling knobs and observing that the aerial is untouched by the moving linkages.

7. When routing the aerial leave slack at the ECM end so that the tip of the aerial ends before it touches the body, HVAC mechanics or other center console components.

8. Trim off excess wire tie length.

9. Move glove box to original closed upright position.

10. Test alarm system, by arming and triggering system and silencing alarm via the transmitter.

When anchoring aerial with wire ties position wire tie head towards the front of the car so there is no contact of the wire tie and the glove box when the glove box is closed.


Normal warranty policy and procedure apply only to renew / reconnect of damaged antenna.




86.77.89/26 Renew or refit of security system antenna 0.20 hour.