Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Installation of CD Mounting Bracket

1. Secure outboard support bracket to floor using 10 mm bolt.

2. Ensure that the weldnut on the support bracket is facing the LH trim panel and tighten bolt. (Figure 6)

3. Attach replacement CD mounting bracket to sub-woofer assembly with six self-tapping screws.

4. Position sub-woofer assembly over upper 5 mm studs and above original floor mounting points.

5. Install two 6 mm bolts into floor locations loosely.

6. Install two 5 mm nuts into upper location loosely.

7. Install 6 mm bolt through the rearmost mounting lug into support bracket and tighten.

8. Tighten two lower mounting bolts.

9. Tighten two upper mounting nuts.

At this stage the "gap" the inner and outer bracket must be checked to ensure that the two parts of the bracket do not touch.

11. Verify two bracket components are not in contact.

12. Connect sub-woofer electrical connector.

13. Install CD player and secure CD player with the four bolts previously removed.

14. Install electrical connector to CD player.

15. Install sub-woofer trim panel.