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Electrical Specific Information

Definition of Vehicle Component Codes
All components are identified by a letter followed by an arbitrary number assigned to the component. The letter assigned to the component indicates the type of component.

B Bulbs, Heated Screens, Mirror Demisters, Cigar Lighters, and Heated Washer Jets

K Relays, Solenoids, Speakers, and Resistors

M Motors

P Fuse Boxes and Fusible Links

X Switches and Sensors

Z Electronic Control Units, Modules, Shields, Diodes, and Capacitors

Wire Colors
All wires are identified by letters which indicates a certain color. Wire color and size will only be shown once if it does not change throughout the circuit. The following chart explains the wire color abbreviations.

Wire Color Chart

B - Black
G - Green
K - Pink
L - Light
N - Brown
O - Orange
P - Purple
R - Red
S - Grey
U - Blue
W - White
Y - Yellow

Previous And Next Arrows
Schematic pages which follow another schematic page of the same chapter will have an arrow in the upper left had corner. There is no arrow on the first schematic page of a chapter. Schematic pages which are followed by another schematic page will have an arrow in the lower right hand comer. If the page is the last page of the chapter, there will be a square instead of an arrow.

Circuit Qualifiers
Certain abbreviations are used throughout the Electrical Troubleshooting Manual as circuit qualifiers The following list explains all abbreviations used as qualifiers in the Circuit Diagrams.

ABS Anti-Lock Braking System
CPU Central Processing Unit
LHD Left hand Drive
RHD Right hand Drive
LWB Long Wheel Base
SWB Short Wheel Base
NAS North American Spec.
MFI-V8 Multiport Fuel Injection (MFI-V8)
A/C Air Conditioning

Switch Positions
Certain abbreviations are used throughout the Electrical Troubleshooting Manual as Switch Position notes. The following list explains all abbreviations used as Switch Position notes in the Circuit Diagrams.

< 100° Less Than 100°

> 100° More than 100°

Connector, Ground, and Splice Identification by Location
Connectors, Grounds, and Splices are identified by a letter followed by a number. Connectors are identified by C, Grounds by E, and Splices by S. Some splices are contained in junction connectors. These splices are identified by the prefix is "HJ" below the splice's reference number. The number assigned to the Connector, Ground, or Splice corresponds to its location in the vehicle.