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Important Testbook Cable Procedures


It is important to follow the procedures listed below to avoid interruption or corruption of data or diagnostic information exchange. This may lead to the interruption of the TestBook program (Lock up) or inaccurate test results.

- It is important that the Cables are connected properly to TestBook and the vehicle. It is also extremely important that all adaptors and bricks are connected properly and in the correct switched position.

- Always connect or disconnect TestBook to the vehicle with the ignition key in the "OFF" position.

- Always START any test procedure with the ignition switch in the "OFF" position and then carefully follow the TestBook screen directions regarding key ON/OFF position.

- If the diagnostic cable is attached to the vehicle never shut down or reboot TestBook with the vehicle's ignition switch in the "ON" position.

- When using a switchable brick (i.e. - GEMS, ABS, EAS) ensure that the switch is in the correct position or TestBook communication problems may result.

- Never disconnect cables from TestBook or the vehicle during any test procedure or diagnostic program.

- Shut down TestBook programs before disconnecting TestBook leads or shutting off TestBook.

- NEVER, NEVER connect the VCSI main case to a system adaptor without installing the Interface (Brick) between the cable and system adaptor. Doing so will ruin the cable and possibly the TestBook.