Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Component Tests and General Diagnostics

Leak Test

If an air leak is suspected the use of a proprietary leak detection spray is recommended. This procedure should also be used where pneumatic components have been disturbed.

The spray used must have a corrosion inhibitor, and must not cause damage to paintwork, plastics, metals and plastic pipes.

Recommended leak detection spray is part No. STC1090 GOTEC LDS, or equivalent.

1. Ensure system is fully pressurized.
2. Clean around area of suspected leak.
3. Using manufacturer's instructions, spray around all component joints and air springs, working systematically until source of leak is found.
4. If a component e.g.: air spring, air drier is leaking, rectify by installing a new component.
5. If an air pipe connection is leaking cut 5 mm off end of pipe. Install new collet. See this section.
6. Repressurize system, carry out leak test.