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Clutch Housing - Type A Gearbox - Refit

Clutch Housing - Type A Gearbox - Refit

1. Position clutch housing to gearbox.
2. Fit securing bolts.

NOTE: The 12 x 45 mm bolts must be fitted through locating dowels.

3. Tighten bolts by diagonal selection to 72 Nm (53 ft. lbs.).
4. Fit pivot post, fit and tighten bolts.
5. Apply lithium based grease to pivot post, pads and push rod.
6. Position pads to clutch release lever, fit release bearing.
7. Fit new clips to retain pads.

NOTE: Clips may become displaced in service with no loss of performance.

8. Fit release lever.
9. Apply lithium based grease to splines of input shaft.