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Differential Assembly

1. Remove intermediate gear cluster.

2. Remove 6 bolts securing high/low cross shaft housing to front output shaft housing and remove housing.

3. Note position of longest bolt and remove 8 bolts securing front output shaft housing to main casing and remove housing.

Note: T - Q : Slacken locknut and remove differential lock warning lamp switch from front output housing.

4. Remove 3 bolts securing differential lock selector housing and remove housing.
5. Remove and discard 'O' ring from selector housing.
6. Remove Allen plug and remove detent spring and ball.

7. Compress differential lock selector fork spring and remove retaining clips from each end of spring.

8. Withdraw differential lock selector shaft from front output housing, recover spring and remove selector fork.

9. Position tool LRT-51-003 to output shaft drive flange, remove and discard nut.
10. Remove steel washer and discard felt washer
11. Remove output shaft drive flange
12. Using a copper mallet, drive output shaft from housing.

13. Noting its fitted position, remove dog clutch and bearing spacer from output shaft.

14. Remove and discard oil seal from housing
15. Remove and discard circlip retaining output shaft bearing.

16. Support housing and drift out output shaft bearing.

17. Remove and discard differential bearing track and collect selective shim.

18. Remove Allen plug securing high/low selector shaft detent spring and ball, remove spring and ball.
19. Withdraw differential assembly together with high/low selector shaft and fork.
20. Remove selector fork and shaft from differential.

21. Note position of shoulder bolt, remove 6 bolts and remove rear output shaft housing.

22. Remove rear bearing track from main casing.
23. Secure differential in a soft jawed vice.
24. Release staking from bearing retaining nut.
25. Using tool LRT-41-007 remove and discard bearing retaining nut.

26. Position tool LRT-99-002 to vice
27. Position tool LRT-41-001 around rear differential bearing, position differential to tool LRT-99-002 and press off bearing.

28. Remove high range gear and bush.
29. Make suitable alignment marks between high/ low selector sleeve and hub, remove selector sleeve.

30. Using a suitable press and thrust button LRT- 41-001 remove high/low hub and low range gear.

31. Position tool LRT-41-002 around front differential bearing and tool LRT-41-001 thrust button to differential shaft and press off bearing.