Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Initialized Window Operation

Selection of any* aperture switch, in either direction, for less than 0.4 seconds shall initiate the "one touch" mode of operation. That aperture will be driven in the direction selected until a trap (obstruction) is detected (close only) or the motor stalls. This mode will be cancelled by the operation of the associated switch in the opposite direction. If the associated aperture switch is operated in the opposite direction then the window will be driven in that direction according to the requirements for one touch/inch mode operation.

* Rear window one touch up is a programmable feature.

Selection of any aperture switch for greater than 0.4 seconds will cause that aperture to operate in the "inch mode". The aperture will move in the selected direction until a trap (obstruction) is detected (close only), the limit of travel is reached or the switch is released.

All windows will operate independently from each other and may operate in parallel. In case of conflict between switches, those in the center console switch pack will have priority.

The window lift system will only be active under the following conditions:
a) while auxiliary is on, i.e., the window system will not be active during crank. Any one touch operations will be cancelled when ignition 1 turns off during crank.

b) for the first 45 seconds after auxiliary has been switched off, the one touch up and down functions will not be available during this time period. If, during the above 45 second time period, the drivers door is opened, the window system will remain active for a further 45 seconds from the door opening or until the door is closed again, whichever is sooner. If during either of the 45 second time periods a door lock signal is received, then the timer will be cancelled and therefore the window lift system will no longer be active.

The rear windows can be prevented from being operated from their local switch by the rear inhibit switch in the center console. In the event of a center console serial link failure being detected, the local rear window switches will default to inhibited.

Operation of the driver's window down switch will cause the drivers window to move in the down direction until the switch is released (unless in the one touch mode), the up switch is operated, or until a stall condition is detected (i.e. the window is fully open).

Operation of the drivers window up switch will cause the window to operate in the close direction until the switch is released (unless in the one touch mode), the window down switch is operated, a trap condition is detected, or until the motor stalls (i.e. the window is fully closed).