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Traffic Message Channel (TMC) System


The Traffic Message Channel (TMC) is a function of the FM Radio Data System (RDS). The system broadcasts real-time traffic and weather information. Data messages are received and decoded by the TMC receiver and passed onto the navigation system, which then delivers them via the navigation system interface. TMC messages are filtered by the navigation computer so that only those relevant to the current journey are displayed, allowing the navigation system to offer dynamic route guidance - alerting the driver of a problem on the planned route and calculating an alternative route to avoid the incident.

TMC traffic information systems conform to a global standard that has been adopted by traffic data gatherers, information service providers, broadcasters and vehicle/receiver manufacturers. TMC information is received via the normal FM radio antenna.

All TMC receivers use the same list of event codes, while the location database (on the map disc) contains both a country-specific set of location codes for the strategic European road network

TMC traffic data is currently broadcast in many European countries.