Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Tune-up and Engine Performance Checks: Service Precautions


^ Tag or mark vacuum hoses before disconnecting them. After completing a job, double check that the vacuum hoses are properly connected.

^ To disconnect vacuum hoses, pull on the end, not the middle of the hose.

^ To pull apart electrical connectors, pull on the connector itself, not the wires.
^ Before disconnecting pressurized fuel lines, always perform Fuel Pressure Release procedure in order to reduce the risk of fire and personal injury.
^ When replacing fuel filters, always check all affected lines and fittings for leaks.
^ Never drain or store gasoline or diesel fuel in an open container, due to the possibility of fire or explosion.

^ To prevent serious burns:
^ Avoid contact with hot metal parts.
^ Do not remove the radiator cap when the engine is hot.

^ Before servicing the vehicle:
^ Protect fenders, upholstery and carpeting with appropriate covers.
^ Take caution that keys, buckles, or buttons do not scratch paint.

^ Do not operate the engine indoors without proper ventilation.
^ Do not smoke while working on the vehicle.