Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Waste Management

Waste Management
Pollution can be reduced by careful handling, storage and disposal of all waste materials that occur on sites. Legislation makes it illegal to dispose of waste materials other than to licensed waste carriers and disposal sites.

This means that it is necessary to not only know what the waste materials are but also to have the necessary documentation and licences.

Handling and storage of waste
Ensure that waste materials are not poured down the drain or on to soil and are stored in such a way that they do not escape on to land or soil.

All waste must be segregated into individual types e.g. oils, metals, batteries, scrap components etc. This will prevent any reaction between different materials and assist in disposal.

Disposal of waste
Dispose of waste in accordance with the following guidelines:
^ Fuel, hydraulic fluid, anti-freeze and oil: Keep separate and dispose of to specialist contractors.
^ Refrigerant: Collect in specialist equipment and reuse.
^ Detergents: Safe to pour down the foul drain if diluted.
^ Paint, thinners: Keep separate and dispose of to specialist contractor.
^ Components: Return to supplier for refurbishment or disassemble and reuse any suitable parts. Dispose of remainder in ordinary waste.
^ Small parts: Reuse any suitable parts, dispose of the remainder in ordinary waste.
^ Metals: Can be sold if separate from general waste.
^ Tires: Keep separate and dispose of to specialist contractor. DO NOT attempt to dispose of tires by burning.
^ Components/materials containing asbestos: Keep separate and dispose of to specialist contractor.
^ Oil and fuel wastes (e.g. rags, used spill kit material): Keep separate and dispose of to specialist contractors.
^ Air filters: Keep separate and dispose of to specialist contractors.
^ Rubber/plastics: Dispose of in ordinary waste.
^ Hoses: Dispose of in ordinary waste.
^ Batteries: Keep separate and dispose of to specialist contractors.
^ Air bags - DANGER EXPLOSIVES: Keep separate and dispose of to specialist contractors.
^ Electrical components: Return to supplier for refurbishment or disassemble and reuse any suitable components. Dispose of remainder in ordinary waste.
^ Catalytic converters: May be sold if kept separate from general waste.
^ Packaging: Compact/recycle as much as possible and dispose of in ordinary waste.
^ Office/paper waste: Recycle paper and toner and ink cartridges, dispose of remainder in ordinary waste.