Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Suspension - Air Suspension Operating Problems

No.: LTB00038

Issue: 1

Date: April 13, 2007


Air Suspension Operating Problems

LR3 (LA) 5A000256 to 6A413981
Range Rover Sport (LS) 6A900109 to 6A983116



The air suspension is not operating correctly, with the possibility of Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) C1A31-01 stored. Corrosion in the chassis harness connector C2099 (installed at the front control valve) or associated wiring, located in the right-hand front wheel arch is the likely cause.

A complete new chassis harness is NOT required to resolve this concern.

Upon customer complaint and where connector C2099 or the associated wiring has corrosion, install a new overlay harness. Follow the Repair Procedure outlined below.


A complete new chassis harness is NOT required to resolve this concern.

YMQ503310 Overlay Harness Kit Qty 1



Repair procedures are under constant review, and therefore times are subject to change; those quoted here must be taken as guidance only. Always refer to DDW to obtain the latest repair time.

DDW requires the use of causal part numbers. Labor only claims must show the causal part number with a quantity of zero.



Global Technical Reference (GTR) lookup sequence is as follows:

GTR Home> NAS > Service Information/ LA - LR3 or LS Range Rover Sport> 2007> Workshop Manuals > Vehicle WSM> Bookmark "Electrical/Battery Charging System/414-01 Battery, Mounting and Cables" Link "Battery and Cables"

1. Refer to GTR section 414-01 and disconnect the battery ground cable.

When working on or under a vehicle always support the vehicle on safety stands.

2. Raise and support the front left-hand (LH) side of the vehicle.

3. Remove the LH front road wheel.

Global Technical Reference (GTR) lookup sequence is as follows:

GTR Home> NAS > Service Information/ LA - LR3 or LS Range Rover Sport> 2007 > Workshop Manuals> Vehicle WSM> Bookmark "Body and Paint/Body and Paint/501-02 Front End Body Panels" Link "Fender Splash Shield" or "Engine Undershield"

4. Refer to GTR section 501-02 (76.10.48) and remove both front fender splash shields.

5. Refer to GTR section 501-02 (76.10.50) and remove the engine under shield.

Before continuing add tape to exposed terminals to prevent damage to the overlay harness.

6. Remove connector C2099 from the front control valve. (Figure 1)

Ensure that the harness does not foul against any pipes or brackets.

7. Connect the overlay harness. (Figure 2)

8. Position the overlay harness as follows: (Figure 3)

^ Route the overlay harness following the existing chassis harness around the front of the vehicle.

^ Install the cable ties supplied in the kit at approximately 300 mm (1 foot) intervals.

^ Cut off and discard the redundant tails from the cable ties.

Refer to connector details in the electrical library for precise location of connectors.

9. Remove connectors C2560/C2559 from bracket and disconnect. (Figure 4)

10. Remove retaining tabs from connector C2560 using harness repair kit tool YRW900010.

11. Using harness repair kit extractor tool YRW500070 back out terminal from cavity one through cavity four and insert terminal of the same color from the new overlay harness into vacant cavity.

^ Cavity 1 (black/yellow)

^ Cavity 2 (black/green)

^ Cavity 3 (black/white)

^ Cavity 4 (black/blue).

12. Install retaining tabs.

13. Remove from bracket and disconnect connectors C2528/C2527. (Figure 5)

14. Remove retaining tabs from C2527 using harness repair kit tool YRW900010.

15. Using harness repair kit extractor tool YRW500070 back out terminals three and four and insert with the same color from the new overlay harness into the vacant cavity.

^ Cavity 3 (black/purple)

^ Cavity 4 (black/orange)

16. Install retaining tabs.

17. Reconnect all connectors and re-install to the bracket.

18. Cut off and discard all redundant terminals from original harness.

19. Refer to GTR section: 501-02 (76.10.50) and install the engine undershield.

20. Refer to GTR section: 501-02 (76.10.48) and install both front fender splash shields.

21. Install the LH front wheel and tire assembly.

22. Lower the vehicle.

23. Connect the battery ground cable.

This procedure requires IDS DVD105 software or later.

24. Connect an approved battery charger/power supply to the vehicle.

25. Connect IDS to the vehicle and begin a new diagnostic session, by entering the correct VIN for the current vehicle.

26. When prompted 'Do you wish to read diagnostic trouble codes? select YES and then press 'tick' to continue.

27. Follow all on-screen instructions to clear the diagnostic trouble codes.

28. When the task is completed, exit the current session.

29. Disconnect IDS and the battery charger/power supply.
