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Speed Sensor Diagnostic System

1. Turn ignition switch on and ensure ABS warning lamp turns on for 3 seconds then turns off.
2. Turn ignition switch off.
3. Connect terminals E1 and Ts of data link connector (DLC1).
4. Check that ABS warning light blinks about 4 times every second.
5. Inspect speed sensor signal change by driving vehicle at least 28 mph for several seconds.
6. Check ABS warning light signal. If warning light signal is abnormal, stop vehicle. Warning light will begin to blink.
7. Read number of blinks of ABS warning light to obtain diagnostic trouble codes, Figs. 165 and 166.

Diagnostic Trouble Code Charts:

Speed Sensor Diagnostic Trouble Codes.:

8. If the system is operating normally, the light will blink once every
0.5 seconds.
9. After any malfunctioning component has been repaired, clear diagnostic trouble codes from ECU, then remove DLC1 terminal connections.