Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Without Super Monitor Display

1. Ensure center differential is free.
2. Turn ignition switch to On position.
3. Disconnect short pin from data link connector 1 (DLC1).
4. Connect terminals Tc and E1 of DLC1 using tool No. 09843-18020, or equivalent, Fig. 37.

Fig. 37 Data Link Connector (DLC1).:

5. Read and record number of times the "ANTI-LOCK"
warning light flashes. Refer to Figs. 38 through 52, to diagnosis light pattern and possible trouble area.

Fig. 38 Diagnostic Trouble Codes.:

Fig. 39 Diagnostic Trouble Codes:

Fig. 40 Diagnostic Trouble Codes (Part 1 Of 2).:

Fig. 41 Diagnostic Trouble Codes (Part 2 Of 2).:

Fig. 42 Diagnostic Trouble Codes.:

Fig. 43 Diagnostic Trouble Codes (Part 1 Of 2).:

Fig. 43 Diagnostic Trouble Codes (Part 2 Of 2).:

Fig. 44 Diagnostic Trouble Codes.:

Fig. 45 Diagnostic Trouble Codes.:

Fig. 46 Diagnostic Trouble Codes:

Fig. 47 Diagnostic Trouble Codes.:

Fig. 48 Diagnostic Trouble Codes.:

Fig. 49 Diagnostic Trouble Codes.:

Fig. 50 Diagnostic Trouble Codes:

Fig. 51 Diagnostic Trouble Codes.:

6. If the system is operation properly, (no malfunction) the warning light will blink once every .5 seconds.
7. Connect actuator check connector and ensure proper operation.