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DTC B1289 Passenger Seat ECU Communication Stop


DTC Detection Condition:

The main body ECU will store this DTC when no signals can be received from the seat position control ECU (front RH side) while the CAN MS main bus is normal.

Wiring Diagram:

Step 1-2:

Step 3:


- Turn the engine switch off before measuring the resistances of CAN bus main wires and CAN bus branch wires.
- After the engine switch is turned off, check that the key reminder warning system and light reminder warning system are not in operation.
- Before measuring the resistance, leave the vehicle as is for at least 1 minute and do not operate the engine switch, any other switches, or the doors. If any doors need to be opened in order to check connectors, open the doors and leave them open.

HINT: Operating the engine switch, any switches, or any doors triggers related ECU and sensor communication on the CAN. This communication will cause the resistance value to change.