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Engine Control System

DTC P0607 Control Module Performance


DTC Detection Condition:

The ECM continuously monitors its main and sub CPUs. This self-check ensures that the ECM is functioning properly. If outputs from the CPUs are different and deviate from the standards, the ECM will illuminate the MIL and set a DTC immediately.

The ECM also monitors the cruise control cancel circuit. If this circuit malfunctions, the ECM will set a DTC immediately (MIL is not illuminated).

NOTE: First check for an exhaust gas leak around the HO2S if P0606 is present. An exhaust gas leak generates noise in the HO2S output. The ECM may interpret this as an HO2S transistor malfunction.

Monitor Strategy:

Typical Enabling Conditions:

Typical Malfunction Thresholds:


Step 1:

Step 1(Continued):