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Lincoln Truck
Repair and Diagnosis
Powertrain Management
Relays and Modules - Powertrain Management
Technical Service Bulletins
Relays and Modules - Powertrain Management: Technical Service Bulletins
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Customer Interest
A/T - Slow Acceleration 0-5 MPH/Harsh Bump/Slip
Engine, A/T Controls - 2-3 Shift Flare/3-1 Shift Bump
Engine Controls - Tip-in Delayed Shift Between 15-20MPH
Engine, A/T Controls - Sluggish Accel/Harsh A/T Bump
Engine Controls - Reduced Heater Output In Cold Temps
By Symptom
Customer Interest
A/T - Slow Acceleration 0-5 MPH/Harsh Bump/Slip
Engine, A/T Controls - 2-3 Shift Flare/3-1 Shift Bump
Engine Controls - Tip-in Delayed Shift Between 15-20MPH
Engine, A/T Controls - Sluggish Accel/Harsh A/T Bump
Engine Controls - Reduced Heater Output In Cold Temps
Engine Controls - Tip-in Delayed Shift Between 15-20MPH
Hard Shifting
A/T - Slow Acceleration 0-5 MPH/Harsh Bump/Slip
Engine, A/T Controls - 2-3 Shift Flare/3-1 Shift Bump
Poor performance
Engine Controls - Reduced Heater Output In Cold Temps
A/T - Slow Acceleration 0-5 MPH/Harsh Bump/Slip
Engine, A/T Controls - 2-3 Shift Flare/3-1 Shift Bump
All Technical Service Bulletins
A/T - Slow Acceleration 0-5 MPH/Harsh Bump/Slip
Engine, A/T Controls - 2-3 Shift Flare/3-1 Shift Bump
Engine Controls - Tip-in Delayed Shift Between 15-20MPH
Engine, A/T Controls - Sluggish Accel/Harsh A/T Bump
Engine Controls - Reduced Heater Output In Cold Temps